Bored are you? You must be if you are reading my blog on Friday night. Or maybe you are just extra cool like me and love to sit at home and spend hours on end staring at the computer screen. Either way, to add a little extra time to your nightly clicking fun I present you with this wonderful link -
Number One
And I'd let you look up my birthday to give you even more fun stuff to do, but I'll just tell you now... I LOVE ROCK 'N ROLL!
Ok, now that I've shared - I expect you to do the same...
(and thanks to Deena for the link)
Friday, October 24, 2008
fabulous friday fun
Posted by emily at 9:11 PM 5 comments
Labels: emily is random
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
oh those monkeys
Posted by emily at 11:14 PM 9 comments
Labels: zoo animals
Monday, October 13, 2008
baby food anyone?
Today I was reading the Sunday paper (yes a little late I know) and I came across a recipe. As I was glancing at exactly what it was I started reading the ingredients. Then I came across the best ingredient ever, banana baby food. I read over the ad and recipe again, and again. For some reason I thought maybe I would come across the part about it being a recipe for the little ones. No such information to be found. And although baby food initial sounds so gross, I tried to have the thought that maybe banana just wasn't that bad. But then I thought - what's so hard about buying a real banana and mushing it up?
Posted by emily at 9:20 PM 3 comments
Labels: emily is random
Thursday, October 9, 2008
happy thoughts
You know, some have said that I can be random. I think that's just fine, obviously - since I would say the same thing about myself more often than not. So to keep up with my own self-professed randomness title here's a few things I'd like to share...
A brief clip of the dinner conversation yesterday:
Mason: Are we having green beans?
Me: yes. (with stress in my voice of a mother who expects a moan to follow her answer)
Mason: Yummy! I love green beans!
Me (in my head): wow that was easier than I thought.
Then later in the eating process...
Mason: I think I might just have green beans for dessert!
Me (in my head): don't wake up yet...
I thought that was one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time, especially considering that I didn't even think the green beans turned out that well - but you know, if the kids eat them I figure let them. What a nice mom I am.
So, not random enough for you? Wait, there's more...
While checking out all my favorite blogs I found this wonderful link to win a free purse. And I am a girl, so I love them, and I would think winning one for free is even better than buying one (plus I'm a total sucker for entering contests). Fingers crossed!
Posted by emily at 8:42 PM 4 comments
Labels: emily is random
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Milo, Milo, Milo...
Sometimes I feel bad for Milo. It seems like he's always getting the short end of the stick. From the day he was born he was stuck with hand-me-down blanket, clothing & toys. And it doesn't just end with using Mason's old stuff...Mason always has had his solo time (like the date we went on) or he gets to pick things first and Milo ends up getting talked into the other option. I explain this because once again I feel like he's been left a little behind. The problem (or lack of) is that he has never cared. Because that is Milo.
See, Milo celebrated his birthday September 9th. And yes, I know - most parents have big long blogs when their children have a birthday. Well, this year Milo's birthday happened to be the day before my trip. So I never really got the chance to sit down and write my Milo tribute. But in not writing it on time I almost feel like that makes it all the more Milo. Because Milo is one of the happiest, most unconcerned silly little boys I know. Everywhere he goes, everyone he meets, it seems like I hear comments about how funny he is and how much everyone loves him. I try to pin down what he does that makes him so loveable sometimes but it's hard to figure exactly what it is. He is goofy. He is messy. He is random. Erik used to say he was a little on the ditzy side. No matter what he does he seems to always be making someone laugh. Just within the last week Milo has done the following things: asked me why animals make different noises and why do we talk different than them, while in the middle of class at preschool he took off his shoes and started dancing to the music his teacher had put on, he told me (after I said he needed to hurry and eat lunch before he left for school) that he had to feed Jack "or else he will get hungry while I'm at school" and sat down and introduced himself to a random couple at an ice cream place. The best thing about all these examples is that each and every time he is so serious. He never seems to think anything he does is out of the ordinary.
So yes, this blog may be a little slow coming - but so is Milo anytime you try to walk somewhere with him. Happy fourth year Milo!
Milo being Milo, of course!
Mason showing Milo the present he got him...
...a new monkey!
And Mason being the helpful big brother.
Posted by emily at 9:11 PM 10 comments
Labels: blog-booking, zoo animals